IHALC’s IHA Survey: the results

June 13th 2023

1pm UK on Zoom

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With the help of in-house agency leaders at almost 50 major brands and organisations, including Specsavers, Citi, Three, Reckitt, The Body Shop and 4creative, IHALC has compiled a unique survey into the remits, roles, capabilities and processes of UK and EMEA in-house agencies.

In addition, our survey reveals the future ambitions of IHAs – the type of agency they want to be, work they want to do, tech needed to support them, priorities for the year ahead and the major barriers to achieving them.

We also delve into the relationship between IHAs and external agencies and the relationship with marketing. Are external agencies partners or rivals? How effective do IHAs think marketers are at briefing, feedback, understanding of the creative process, collaboration and communication?

Join IHALC co-founder Patrick Burgoyne, Adobe’s Lucinda Parish and John Owen and Nicky Russell of WDC as we delve into the results and what they mean.

The 2023 IHALC IHA Benchmarking Survey is in partnership with Adobe.

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